
Multi-Rail has changed how LNet views the world. Prior to Multi-Rail, each NID represented one unique peer on a network. There was no concept that multiple NIDs can identify the same peer. After Multi-Rail a peer can have multiple NIDs on the same or different network, and LNet has become aware that these NIDs reference the same peer. This creates a disconnect with the routing infrastructure currently in place. This is highlighted in two recent LUs (at the time of this writing): LU-11143 - Getting issue details... STATUS and LU-11144 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

The routing infrastructure needs to deal at the peer level and not the peer NI level.

When adding a route it takes the following form:

lnetctl route add --net <remote network> --gateway <local gateway NID>

The code currently adds this gateway as a standard peer, which is also kept on a gateway list.

Multi-Rail changes the way we deal with peers such that a peer is composed of multiple peer_nis. However, this infrastructure doesn't extend to the routing logic.

Proposed Changes

These are a set of proposed changes to align LNet's routing infrastructure with Multi-Rail.

  1. When a route is added the gateway should be automatically discovered, the same as when a peer is first communicated with. This will allow the node to know all the interfaces it can reach the gateway on.
  2. When a gateway aliveness is changed from dead back to alive again, it should be rediscovered, in case its interface list has changed.
  3. Instead of maintaining a separate mechanism to check if a gateway is alive, currently implemented in the router checker code, use the discovery mechanism.
    1. This will consolidate the ping generation code to one area instead of having duplicate code doing the same functionality.
  4. Modify the router code to deal with each gateway as a peer with multiple interfaces. This will involve modifying the code which checks if the router has dead interfaces.
    1. if a router has multiple interfaces on the same network, and one of them is down, the router is still usable.
    2. The router is not usable only if it can not route a message from one network to another. This is not equivalent to having one of the interfaces down.
      1. This implies the avoid_asym_router_failure logic needs to be reworked.
  5. Allow multiple routes to the same remote network over multiple gateways.


These changes will integrate the router handling more closely with the Multi-Rail code and will avoid issues where an MR router is not discovered properly or identifying that a router is dead when it really is not.

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