This is a recommended development environment, if you use VI. You can deploy this environment on any machine in a short period of time.

The following is available:


:cs f f <file name> # find file. Short cut: CTRL+\+f
:cs f g <symbol name> # find declaration of symbol (function or variable) Shortcut: CTRL+\+g
:cs f s <symbol name> # find all instances of symbol (function or variable) Shortcut: CTRL+\+s 
:cs f c <function name> # find calls to function. Shortcut: CTRL+\+c


Gives you a forward or backward call stack.

:CCTreeLoadDB <cscope output file. EX: cscope.out> # Load CSCope symbols
:CCTreeSaveXRefDB <file name> #save reference DB for faster load
:CCTreeLoadXRefDBFromDisk <cctree reference DB file> # load reference DB
CTRL+\+< # Show backward call stack from this point
CTRL+\+> # Show forward call stack from this point


~/.vimrc # vim configuration. Works best with uptodate vim: "yum install vim"

~/bin/cs_list # builds a cscope db file

~/.cscope_maps.vim # cscope mapping

~/.vim/plugins/.cctree.vim # cctree utility

~/.bashrc_aliases # some useful aliases

Optionally you can untar this devenv.tar.gz in your home directory to deploy the development environment.