Help on using the LUTF is integrated in the code.

The LUTF uses the python's built in help() function to provide information about how to use the LUTF.

For example if you want to know what the 'me' variable provides you'd do:

lutf>>> help(me)

Help on Myself in module lutf object:

class Myself(builtins.object)
 |  Class which represents this LUTF instance.
 |  It allows extraction of:
 |          - interfaces available
 |          - listen port
 |          - telnet port
 |          - name
 |          - hostname
 |          - LUTF type
 |  It provides an exit method to exit the LUTF instance
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, name, telnet_port)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  dump_intfs(self)
 |      Dump the interfaces in YAML format
 |  exit(self)
 |      Shutdown the LUTF
 |  handle_rpc_req(self, rpc_yaml)
 |  list_intfs(self)
 |      Return a list of all the interfaces available on this node
 |  my_hostname(self)
 |      Return the hostname of this node
 |  my_listenport(self)
 |      Return the listen port of this LUTF instance
 |  my_name(self)
 |      Return the symbolic name assigned to this LUTF instance
 |  my_telnetport(self)
 |      Return the telnet port of this LUTF instance
 |  my_type(self)
 |      Return the type of this LUTF instance
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------