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Chris Gearing: This query will return all patches that are awaiting some action on them. ie. they need reviewing, building or testing, and have not changed in the last 7 days.,((-verified%252B1+AND+-verified-1)OR(verified%252B1+AND+-reviewer:maloo))+AND+status:open+AND+project:%255E.lustre.+AND+age:7d,n,z

Chris Gearing: This query will return all the reviews that did not fully complete the review, test, build process before being merged. It's not fool-proof, merges can slip through the net but we'll work on that.,(project:fs/lustre-dev+OR+project:fs/lustre-release)+AND+(-verified%252B1+OR+(verified%252B1+AND+-reviewer:maloo))+AND+status:merged,n,zImage Added